Did you know that weight loss can be as simple as "Mind Over Fatter?"
If you've always dreamed of a super-effective way to lose weight that's so easy, it works automatically even when you cheat and skip workouts sometimes...this will be the most exciting page you will ever read.
My name is Gina Paulhus and I'm a Certified Personal Trainer who has helped several thousand people to date lose weight AND keep it off. What makes that statement more noteworthy is the fact that virtually all of those people had tried and failed at losing weight in the past. They had tried diets and health club memberships and workout programs and have a shelf full of worthless supplements at home, but they still had every ounce of fat on their body that they started with - in some cases, even more.
While some of these folks knew just a little about effective exercise and nutrition, others knew just about as much as I did, and this is what I do for a living! What they didn't know was how to put their "Mind Over Fatter" to finally execute their plan. And they didn't know the secrets only personal trainers know for how LESS can be MORE with exercise and nutrition. What personal trainers know that the general public doesn't is this: Cheating on a diet usually helps, not hurts, your results. But it's not just any cheating that will do. You need to cheat SMART. Also, people who skip workouts from time to time usually do BETTER than those who don't. But, again you need to be SMART about when you skip your workouts. Again, secrets personal trainers know.
My colleagues think I'm crazy, (and I probably am)...but I don't care. I've let the cat out of the bag with my 30-Day System for Weight Loss and Fitness Success. I command upwards of $185 per working hour for my services...so WHY ON EARTH would I reveal these secrets to you?
Please don't take this personally, but - I'm willing to reveal these secrets because I feel bad for you. I really do. I feel bad for everyone I see who is overweight, out of shape, and generally not his or her best. I can't live with myself knowing that I hold the key to another human being's happiness, and I'm withholding that. So I've removed the barriers to accessing personal trainer secrets that are usually reserved for the well-to-do.
Look, I know you're on this web page right now because your body is not where you'd like it to be. Your pants are tight, you feel sluggish and bloated, you have rolls of fat where there were none before, or your arms do that dreaded "double wave." Chances are you've tried different programs with varying degrees of success. I think it's safe to say that, if they worked great for you, you wouldn't be here reading this right now. The fact of the matter is that there are more diet programs, diet products, weight loss supplements, fitness programs, and health clubs THAN EVER BEFORE...yet Americans are FATTER THAN EVER BEFORE. We get more formal exercise THAN EVER BEFORE...yet more Americans are FATTER THAN EVER BEFORE. We consume more diet products including artificial sweeteners THAN EVER BEFORE, yet Americans are FATTER THAN EVER BEFORE. What's going on?
1. Diet and Exercise Programs by and large are a Band-Aid - they treat the SYMPTOM (excess weight) but not the CAUSE (a sluggish metabolism). Even if they work in the short-term, they typically aren't sustainable as a long-term solution for weight control, UNLESS THE UNDERLYING PROBLEM OF A SLUGGISH METABOLISM IS FIXED.
2. People aren't taping into the immense power of the mind to make a change in their lives. In fact, people let their mind work AGAINST them, making it HARDER than it has to be to lose weight and get in shape.
As a personal trainer, I feel it is my civic duty to help people overcome these two main problems that are sabotaging their weight loss. I decided to create a weight loss System to teach people how to overcome them and easily achieve fitness and weight loss success. I knew this project had to be manageable for the average person to be able to take on, so I broke up the program into 30 easy-to-follow Strategies to ensure your fitness and weight-loss success. They are designed to be tackled one day at a time, so that the entire program can be completed in one month's time.
How to make a commitment to change
#2 Stop Procrastinating
How to increase your productivity and decrease your stress level
#3 Talking "up"
How to use positive self-talk to promote success
#4 You are the Feature Presentation
How to visualize success
#5 Applying discipline and creating S.M.A.R.T. Goals
How goal-mapping ensures your success
#6 Developing a plan of action
How to organize your goals into daily, short-term, and long-term
#7 Fine-toothed comb
How to be sure of success
#8 What's Up Doc?
Consulting with your Physician
#9 It's a Breeze
How to easily implement your action plan
#10 I'm Obsessed
How to make your goals a positive obsession
#11 A spoonful of sugar
How to create a supportive exercise atmosphere
#12 Decisions, decisions
Choosing your health and fitness resources
#13 If you fail to plan, you plan to fail
How to rehearse for success
#14 Hocus Focus
How to concentrate during exercise and eating to maximize results
#15 Food Cravings and Exercise Avoidance
How to overcome the need for instant gratification that will sabotage your success
#16 Really Needing it
How to make success a necessity in your life
#17 Just do something
How exercise action and mini-workouts yield results
#18 Time on your side
How to make the time to be a regular exerciser
#19 Do it right or don't do it at all
Strict form makes all the difference
#20 Better safe than sorry
How to exercise to get healthy, not to get injured
#21 48-hour rule: Leave that muscle alone!
How rest allows you to progress even faster
#22 The stronger, the better
How to use strength and performance as a results indicator
#23 Just right
Choosing the right resistance
#24 Racking up those miles
How cardiovascular work fits into the picture
#25 Time on your side
How to make the time to be a regular exerciser
#26 Surprise, surprise!
Keep mixing things up
#27 Strain to Gain
How to push through your exercise comfort zone
#28 Handle with care
How to treat your body right
#29 Sit down already!
Why rest is crucial to achieving the body you want
#30 Congratulate yourself!
How to completely enjoy and appreciate all that you've accomplished
"I recently received my copy of "Mind Over Fatter," and wanted to let you know what a blessing this has been to me. It's an extremely well-written and informative book, and I can really appreciate the amount of hard work, time and research that you put into it.
I have lost 90 pounds recently and have managed to keep it off, but can't seem to get the last 10 off if I blasted it with TNT. I have been at a YEAR-long plateau, and have been growing more frustrated by the minute, to the point where it's on my mind constantly. All my doctor said was, Yeah, the last 10 or 15 pounds can be a bitch to take off...hangin there." (Gee, thanks a bunch, Doc.) That made me feel even more hopeless. I was wondering if losing all that weight was really worth it...if that's all there is to life is being exhausted, miserable and hungry all the time.
Your book really opened my eyes! Finally a ray of encouragement. It made me see where I've been going wrong...eating less and less, exercising almost incessantly, and getting NOWHERE fast. I was bored with my stagnant cardio and weight-training routine, and totally fed up with all the conflicting and confusing information out there, and all the useless gadgets. I wish I had back all the money I've spent on all that B.S. over all these years.
Of all the tons of books I've read on exercise, diet and fitness, yours is the only one that made perfect sense and presented the scientific facts to back it up. You talk about a "light-bulb moment"...that was it for me.
I've made the commitment to follow your program to the letter and actually feel confident that I will make some actual progress soon, and will attain my goal.
Gina, thanks from the bottom of my heart! This is a wonderful thing you've done. God bless you for making a real difference in people's lives. Best of luck to you. I look foward to more books in the future...you are a talented writer."
Cathy Marcotte, Hampton NH
"Gina is super-knowledgeable, versatile, and extremely dedicated to the exercise field - in short, a true fitness coach who is committed to making sure you get results. Gina makes the process of getting in shape (or in better shape) enjoyable, doable and attainable. With her book's help, I was able to lose 14 inches and 14 lbs. in just 12 weeks - and stay committed to my fitness goals."
Carolyn Dupree, Danvers MA
"Do you want success guaranteed or double the pounds back? Gina Paolino is a motivator who will become your partner in developing an individualized program to success – Guaranteed for life."
Magdalena, Portsmouth NH
"If you feel like you've tried everything to lose weight and get in shape and failed at each one, this System is exactly what you need because nothing is left to chance. It covers all bases, including the physiology of what works and what doesn't, mental and psychological aspects of training, and the planning, implementation, and adaptation of your program over time. Perhaps more importantly, it's inspiring, motivating, and fun to read. It really gets you excited about working out."
Bill Ferrero, MD. Kittery ME
Each 325 pg. book is just $19.95. We decided to price the book like a regular paperback for the first printing only as a market test. This System is MUCH more powerful than a typical $19.95 book with some advice in it, but we needed to get the book out into people's hands FAST to build some BUZZ surrounding the book. We have 500 books available for this price.
Mind Over Fatter comes with coupons for personal training and fitness coaching services and a 100% MONEY-BACK No-Questions-Asked GUARANTEE. If you decide that the book ISN'T worth your money, simply return it whenever it's convenient for you, and KEEP the coupons for personal training as a "Thank You" for trying to put your "Mind Over Fatter."
Mind Over Fatter also includes a BONUS Reference Section:
If you're still not sure this program is worthwhile, read about
the lives Gina has changed with her sound advice.