October 1, 2018
Fall Into Cardio...Outdoors It's easy to let your cardio slack in the summer. After all, you're probably more active day-to-day. But we all know that isn't quite the same as a formal workout. Well, fall is perfect weather for so many to get some cardio outdoors. Here are some workouts.
No Bake Peanut Butter Protein Cookies Back to school time is busy for many - even for those of us without children at home. This recipe is perfect to get your sweet fix as well as to get the protein that your body needs.
Preventing Muscle Loss Due to Aging This is not the sexiest of topics, but it's critical to so many. Whether you are in the throes of aging issues or you are responsible for helping someone who is, this is a must-read.
Until next time!
Gina Paulhus, CPT Homeexercisecoach.com
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