Fast Food on a Diet and Outdoor Jogging Tool
May 31, 2007
Gina here from Home Bodies! I have a couple of neat online resources to share with you today.
Fun Fast Food Guide
You'll want to bookmark this one! Although this website is called "Hungry Girl" guys will certainly find the info. just as useful. This is a fabulous guide for what TO order and what NOT to order when you're eating fast food. The author has taste and portion size reviews as well, which is a great bonus. Fast Food: What TO Order, What NOT to Order at major fast food chains.
Outdoor Jogging Mileage Tool
This is a cool resource from Google that allows you to map out a jogging route and calculate the mileage (you know, the thing you used to have to take your car out and drive your jogging route to do?) Now you can do this from the comfort of your computer chair! Click here for the Jogging Mileage Tool and other Free Fitness Resources from homeexercisecoach.com.
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