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Meal Templates Make Calorie-Counting Unnecessary
January 21, 2007

Hate Calorie Counting?
Try Meal Templates by Home Bodies.

January 21, 2007

Gina here from Home Bodies! I have a couple of goodies for you today. One is a way to help people who hate calorie-counting keep track of their nutrition, and the other is a general tool to increase your productivity and get more done every day!

Hate Calorie-Counting? Try Meal Templates!

Click here for access to the Meal Templates for losing bodyfat

How to Plan Like a Millionaire

I am not one to brag, but I have some valuable information to share with you, so please bear with me. I run two businesses and four websites, work out almost every day, maintain my own schedule of personal training clients, commute to my clients, practice gymnastics 17 hours per week, publish one newsletter and three e-zines every month, and set aside time for my family. People ask me how I manage to fit all of this into my day, and the main way I can do it is due to the article I am sharing with you below. I instituted this technique last year and found my productivity skyrocketed while my perceived stress level dropped way down. I could never have done what I do in a week before I learned this simple yet surprisingly effective tip. Enjoy!

Are you tired of not getting enough done during the day? Are you getting too caught up in the minutia? Here's a simple and proven approach to being productive.

About 75 years ago, steel magnate Charles Schwab, the first president of U.S. Steel and the founder of Bethlehem Steel (no relation to financial wizard Charles Schwab), came in contact with Ivy Lee, a consultant who went on to co-found one of the country's first public relations firms. Schwab was looking for a way to become more efficient, and Lee had just the solution.

As the story goes, Lee told Schwab his idea and then told Schwab to follow it religiously for 30 days. Lee was so confident in his idea that he told Schwab to withhold payment for the idea until after those 30 days, and at that time, Schwab could pay him whatever he thought the idea was worth.

Being an overachiever, Schwab followed the idea to the letter, and by the end of 30 days, he was--as we say in modern times--blown away by the results. Pleased with the success, Schwab handed Lee a check for $25,000, which was an even more significant sum back in those days.

So what was this big idea?

Every evening before you leave work, write down the six most important activities you have to accomplish the next day in order of priority, and leave the list on your desk. Begin the next day working on item #1 and work your way sequentially through the list, making sure you do not move on to the next item until the current item is completed.

The six most important...

It's a deceptively simple concept to understand, yet it's frustratingly difficult for people to implement because the end-of-the-day rush gets in the way, clients need you, you're late for dinner, the kids have a ball game--you know the drill. It's easy to let it slip.

But with a little better planning, this idea can become a ritual that happens as effortlessly as tying your shoes.

Working the six

Prioritizing your six most important list is critical. Begin your day by working on the number one item. You may end up spending all your non-training time on that item, and if so, you should take comfort in knowing that you were focused on the single most important activity for that day.

If you are in-between sessions or find you have a few minutes of time, scan your list and try to find an item that will take about as long to accomplish as you have time available. This may take you out of order, but you'll still be working on one of the day's most important activities, and you'll be able to efficiently fill up your time.

Naturally, your total to-do list may be longer than six items, and that's fine, but keep the top six very prominent and prioritized.

By spending these few minutes each day before you leave the gym or studio, your subconscious mind will think about the work ahead overnight and you'll start the next day focused and ready to tackle the day's activities.

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