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Fun at-home glutes and abs workout
March 14, 2018

March 14, 2018

Glutes and Abs Home Workout
Here is a full 20-minute home workout (perform all exercises for 2 sets) to target an area many people wish to focus on--glutes and abs! We also cover how to get sufficient protein for exercise needs following a vegetarian diet. Click through for the full video! Glutes and Abs Workout

Do you have a problem with binge eating?
Binge Eating is one of the eating disorders that doesn't always get the attention it deserves because it's not as 'deadly' or perceived to be as 'serious' as some of the other eating disorders. However, the number of years of life binge eating can steal from you, both literally and figuratively, is no laughing matter. This article explains how to use positive reinforcement to help yourself binge less, whether you binge eat once in a while or all the time. It can change! A better way to track progress. If you received this e-zine from a friend and would like to continue receiving it for free, please visit this page:

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